Virtual Learning

Connect with the Zoo, even when you can't come out and play!

Virtual School Classes
The Saint Louis Zoo presents classes using state-of-the-art Polycom videoconferencing equipment.

Additional Online Resources
Guests can access free, Zoo-curated educational videos, demonstrations, crafts, and more.
Gateway to Innovation Conference Grant
Via the generosity of Gateway to Innovation Conference, grant funding is available through December of 2024 for under-resourced students.Please click this link to apply. The online grant application will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
You will be required to upload a letter, on school letterhead, explaining why your students are under-resourced (please provide statistics and examples, as appropriate) and how they will benefit from receiving a Saint Louis Zoo educational program. Please have that letter in a PDF or Word document prepared, prior to starting the application. Letters must be submitted by the classroom teacher, school representative, or school administrator and be written on school letterhead.
Additionally, you will need to know your preferred type of program (virtual, on Zoo grounds, or outreach), as well as know the program titles you are requesting.
Questions (?) Please contact the Manager of Learning Experiences at outreachrequests@stlzoo.org.