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Education Registration

Registration now open:
Spring 2025 and Summer 2025

ALL Spring Registrations and Summer Registration for Adult Programs, Adult Escape the Zoo and Family Programs will close on Monday, February 10, 4 p.m. for maintenance and will re-open on Friday, February 14 at 10 a.m.

During periods of high program demand, we may utilize queueing software to help manage our online registration(s).

When in the queue:

  • Do not refresh/reload your browser.
  • Register all children from the household prior to checking out.

On February 12, the pre-queue for Camp Programs and Family Overnights will open at 9 a.m. Anyone who is in the pre-queue by 10 a.m. will be randomly assigned a place in line when you are moved into the waiting room at 10 a.m. Once registrants have entered the waiting room, they should not refresh/reload their browser. Doing so could forfeit their place in line. From there, registrants will be directed to the education camp registration URL to start the registration process. Once you have entered the registration process, register all children from the household before checking out. After checking out, transfer and/or cancel fees will apply if you need to make any changes to selected programs.

Please be patient! We have over 1200 Camp Program spaces:

  • 240 for Camp Joey
  • 768 for camp KangaZoo
  • 90 for Teen Camp
  • 160 for Specialty Camps

Waiting Lists

YES, we do fill openings from our waiting lists (in 2024, more than 100 Camp spaces were filled from the waiting list). If the week of camp is sold out, it is recommended to place your child on the waiting list.

CampDoc Software for Zoo Camp Programs!
Camp Programs will utilize the CampDoc parent portal for participant management and information.

Register Here

Before registering, be prepared with multiple program choices as some camps/programs are sold out. Be sure to add your participant(s) to the waitlist if a program choice is sold out.

Zoo Member Summer 2025 - opens February 12, 10 a.m. (pre-queue opens at 9 a.m.)

Zoo Member Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

General Public Summer 2025 - opens February 13 at 1 p.m.

General Public Fall 2024 Spring 2025

Zoo Member Adult Programs (April 2025 - Jan. 2026)

Zoo Member Adult Escape the Zoo (March - Sept. 2025)

General Public Adult Programs (April 2025 - Jan. 2026)

General Public Adult Escape the Zoo (March - Sept. 2025)

Attention, scout leaders! In addition to family overnights, we have separate Snooze at the Zoo Overnight programs for scouts.
All participants and group leaders must be registered.

Summer 2025 Snooze Registration Packet

Medication Authorization Policy

For parents/adults registered to attend in-person programs with their child: If your child needs to take medication during any in-person Zoo program, you are responsible for carrying the medication and monitoring your child’s needs.

For parents of youth attending programs unaccompanied by an adult: If your child needs to take medication during camp, you must complete the Medication section in the CampDoc parent portal for prescribed and over the counter medications. You can also upload a copy of the FARE form, if applicable, in the CampDoc parent portal. You are responsible for maintaining accurate medication records for your child in that portal. At camp, our staff will remind your child to take their medicine as you indicate. Trained Zoo personnel will only administer medication (such as an Epi-pen) in an emergency situation. Any over the counter or prescription medication or supplements brought to camp need to be in the original container with prescription information and dosage printed on the label, with the camper’s name as the medication recipient, and needs to be in the correct pre-measured dose. Feel free to call the Camp Director to discuss any specific needs.

You may view our Medication Administration Policy here. Complete medication information is required before your child attends their Zoo program. Failure to complete this information could result in your camper not being able to attend camp.

Registration Information

While we are excited to host in-person summer camps and programs again this year, our spaces are still limited. To help expedite the registration process, please review this information and the complete list of Programs for Individuals and Groups prior to starting online registration. Please note that program availability listed on our website is subject to change. Processing fees will apply for duplicate registrations, cancellations or transfers.

  • Advance registration is required for all programs. Registrations close two weeks prior to the program date or when the program is sold out.
  • Zoo Members receive a discount on program fees. If you would like to join or renew your membership, please visit Membership or call (314) 646-4771, option #2 for more information. Fax, e-mail and phone registrations are not accepted.
  • Participants must be the appropriate age or grade level for the program and can only register for one session of each camp topic or program title.
  • Participants may not make up or receive a refund for missed programs. No exceptions will be made.
  • We reserve the right to cancel programs due to low enrollment or extenuating circumstances. Full refunds will be issued.

Contact Us: If you have any have questions, please call us at (314) 646-4544, #6 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday - Friday, or email us at

Zoo Policy

Children under the age of 14 years must be accompanied by an adult at the Zoo. All program participants will be accompanied by Zoo staff and/or Zoo volunteers during their program.

Additional Registration Information

Full payment is required at the time of registration.

Online registration requires a credit card payment. See links above.

Please email for the appropriate registration form(s) if paying by check or Saint Louis Zoo gift card.

Whether you choose mail-in or online registrations, you can register:

  • Yourself.
  • Immediate family members residing in the same household (spouse and children).
  • Grandchildren (as general public registration or as part of your membership if you have a Grandparent Zoo Membership level or above).

NOTE: A grandparent's signature will not be accepted for the Terms and Conditions. Terms and Conditions must be signed by the participant's parent or legal guardian.

NOTE: Zoo memberships are non-transferrable and cannot be used to register nieces, nephews, friends, neighbors, out-of-town guests, etc. Extended family members, friends, neighbors, and out-of-town guests must register themselves and their household members separately.

For online registration, you will need to be prepared with the following information:

  • Zoo member’s Name, Address, Member Number, Member Level and Membership Expiration Date or Head of Household information if not a Zoo member.
  • Contact phone number(s) and e-mail address.
  • Each participant’s first and last name, birth date and/or grade level.
  • Your calendar or selection of Zoo program(s) you would like to attend.
  • Emergency contact names and phone numbers.
  • Child’s medical conditions, special needs, allergies, special accommodations, medications.
  • Credit card payment for online registration. Payment by check or Saint Louis Zoo gift card requires a mail-in registration form. Please email for the appropriate registration form(s).

When you are ready to register, select the appropriate program link for either Zoo Members or the General Public at the top of this page.

If you have never used the online registration process, the first thing you will do is create a logon account.

If you have already used the online registration process, you will be able to use your email address and password to logon. You will not have to recreate your logon account.

If you forget your password, you can request a "change password" link be emailed to the logon email address. The Education Department will not be able to give your password over the phone. If your address or contact information has changed since you last registered online, please call the Education Department at (314) 646-4544, #6 to update your account.

Once you have logged on, any program not shown as "sold out" will have at least one opening. If the program(s) are sold out, you may add yourself to the waiting list.

Once you get to the Payment/Verification page, you will be able to add additional participants, programs, or edit the programs you selected.

After you review your program selections, you must enter your credit card payment, agree to the Terms and Conditions, and click "Submit" to complete your registration.

After completing the checkout process, transfer and cancellation fees will apply if you need to change your registration.

For online registration, at the time of check out you will receive either:

  1. Immediate confirmation that your payment was processed and spaces are held.
  2. Notification that a session you selected is sold out with the option to choose another session.

The space(s) in the program(s) you have selected is not confirmed until you check out and receive your electronic confirmation. Please print the confirmation page for your records and close the window. This confirmation will also be automatically emailed to the email address entered at logon. If you do not see this e-mail in your inbox, please check your spam or junk mail folder as some e-mail systems send them to this folder instead of your inbox. Please add to your contact list to help prevent this error.

By choosing to use our online registration process, you are helping to conserve paper and other resources. Your email confirmation will be the only notice you receive for your program. You will not receive one in the mail.

After you have completed an order and received your confirmation, you will not be able to re-open that order and make changes online. If you need to add family members to other programs you can create another registration order online. You will be able to logon using your email address and password, but you will need to re-enter the personal information for the participant you are registering. The system will not present you with this information.

All registrations will be reviewed by our staff. Follow-up email(s) will consist of one or more of the following:

  • Registration Report to confirm the status of your programs
  • Request for additional information or clarification
  • Terms and Conditions Form (if needed) will need to be signed by each adult participant or by the parent of participants under the age of 18 years.

Your e-mail confirmation will be the only notice you receive for your program. You will not receive one in the mail. Please allow one to two business days for our staff to send a final confirmation/follow-up email to complete your online registration.

You will receive a Registration Report by email as a confirmation of your online registration. Please read each of your Registration Report(s) carefully for the following information:

  • Confirmed program dates and times.
  • Waiting list information if program sessions you selected were sold out.

If you do not see this email in your inbox, please check your spam or junk mail folder as some email systems send them to this folder instead of your inbox. Please add to your contact list to help prevent this error.

During the processing of your mail-in form, you will be placed on the waiting list(s) if ALL of your session choices for a requested program are sold out. If you are placed on a waiting list, we will not process the payment for that program. If you are placed into one of your program session choices, you will NOT be placed on the waiting list for other sessions of the same program.

During online registration, you may add yourself or your family members to the waiting list(s) for sold out programs.

We will notify individuals on our waiting list if an opening occurs in the program. If you accept an opening, you will need to provide a credit card payment for the program.

To cancel or transfer a registration, please contact the Education Department as soon as possible at (314) 646-4544, option #6. Advanced notice is required for all requests and transfers are subject to availability. The fee to cancel or transfer is 20% of the registration fee.

Advance Notification

  • Three weeks’ notice required to cancel/transfer Camp Joey, Camp KangaZoo, Teen Camp and Specialty Camps
  • Two weeks’ notice required to cancel/transfer all other programs
  • No refunds/transfers without the notice listed above


  • Cancellations - a refund of the registration fee minus 20% will be issued.
  • Transfers - the fee is 20% of the registration fee and is due at the time of the request.

Participants may not make up or receive a refund for missed programs.

Parking is available on the Zoo's North Lot on Government Drive and South Lot on Wells Drive for a fee. Zoo Members may choose to use their free parking benefits. Limited free parking is available on streets around the Zoo. Visit Parking & Directions for parking details and pricing.

Congestion on streets in Forest Park can cause a delay in your arrival time. Please plan extra time so that you arrive on time for your program.

Inclusion Statement

We know that children of all abilities benefit when they play and learn together, and it is our goal that whenever possible they do so in our conservation education programs. Each individual program will determine the level of support needed for participation. Inclusion facilitators are available for intermittent support at our camp programs. However, if 1:1 support is required at school or in a public setting like the Zoo - where elopement risks are increased, and a 1:5 ratio is not sufficient for support and safety - we ask that families provide an aide with a verified background check.

Our goal is that every child has the opportunity to enjoy our programs with the appropriate supports needed for success. Our programs are developmentally appropriate for the set age range listed. We realize that sometimes developmental level does not correlate to chronological age. If this is the case, please reach out to us to determine the best placement for your child.

Visit our Camp FAQ page for more information about inclusion services to help determine the best program for your child. For more information, please email