Will R. Ross, M.D., MPH, Associate Dean for Diversity and a Professor of Medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, was elected to a four-year term on the Zoo Commission. Dr. Ross replaces Commissioner Stacy Edwards who served on the Zoo Commission for 12 years.

Chonda Nwamu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for Ameren, was elected to fulfill the remainder (two years) of the term held by Commissioner F. Holmes Lamoreux. Lamoreux served on the Zoo Commission for seven years and will remain on the Zoo Commission as a Chair Emeritus.
The Zoo Commission is the governing authority for the Zoo. It has the fiduciary responsibility for the well-being of the Zoo, as well as the ultimate responsibility for fulfilling the Zoo's mission.
The current Zoo Commission listing is as follows:
Chairman: Winthrop B. Reed, III
Vice-Chair: Cynthia J. Brinkley
Treasurer: Lawrence E. Thomas
Immediate Past Chair: Jerald L. Kent
- Karl A. Grice
- Robert R. Hermann, Jr.
- Chonda J. Nwamu
- Robert F. O'Loughlin
- Neal F. Perryman
- Peggy A. Ritter
- Steven C. Roberts
- Will R. Ross, M.D., MPH
- James G. Sansone
- Carol A. Wilson
Emeritus Members:
- Jay G. Henges
- Robert R. Hermann
- Joseph O. Losos
Chair Emeritus:
- Honorable James F. Conway
- F. Holmes Lamoreux
- Steven F. Schankman
- Mark J. Schnuck
Saint Louis Zoo 314/781-0900
Billy Brennan, 314/646-4633, Brennan@stlzoo.org
Christy Childs, 314/646-4639, Childs@stlzoo.org
Mike De Pope, 314/646-4703, DePope@stlzoo.org