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Zoo Young Professionals Advisory Board

The Zoo Young Professionals Advisory Board is a group of professionals in their 20s and 30s dedicated to the continued success of the Saint Louis Zoo. Members have the unique opportunity of networking among peers and becoming involved with the Zoo at a deeper level. They work closely with Zoo staff on various initiatives, serving as liaisons of committees including Animal Care & Conservation, Education, Volunteers, and Special Events and supporting the Zoo's mission of connecting the community to wildlife.

Apply to be on the advisory board

Meet Our Executive Team

  • Emily Carter


  • Joe Palumbo

    Vice President of Education

  • Brittany Mayfield

    Vice President of Nominations

  • Katie Doherty


  • Christian Wargo

    Vice President of Events

  • Betsy Crites

    Vice President of Volunteers

  • Justin Diecker


Frequently Asked Questions

Young professionals in the St. Louis metro area between the ages of 21 and 39 are welcome to apply.

A maximum of forty young professionals makes up the full Advisory Board.

  • Attend Advisory Board meetings in person (preferred) or virtually. Full meetings occur in April, June, August, October, and December.
    Orientation is held in February for new members.
  • Volunteer at the Zoo. Opportunities include special events, browse cutting, habitat refreshments, etc.
  • Serve as an advocate for the Saint Louis Zoo, including donating personal funds and/or engaging your friends, family, colleagues, and company in our mission.
  • All board members must maintain a Zoo membership of their choosing.
  • Visit to view levels and pricing
  • Make a bigger impact with a Marlin Perkins Society Membership

Advisory Board members serve three consecutive two-year terms, for a total of six years. At the end of each term, members may choose to renew their commitment or roll off the board.

Existing Advisory Board members are welcome to apply for executive positions when they become available. Nominations and elections are held at the end of each calendar year.

Get Involved

Interested in becoming a member of the Zoo Young Professionals Advisory Board? Applications are open annually from March 1 through August 31.

Apply to the Zoo Young Professionals Advisory Board

Attend an Event

Join us in June for our annual networking and outreach event. You don't have to be an Advisory Board member to attend! Everyone age 21 and up is welcome. More details to come.


Email Liz Hickox, Corporate Partnership Manager, at