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Adult Costume Policy

Any adult or teen (i.e., anyone age 14 or older) wearing costumes on Zoo grounds must have previously negotiated an agreement with an authorized officer of the Saint Louis Zoo. A “costume” includes having one’s face painted and wearing a costume mask (non-protective masks intended for decorative/costume-only use).

Individuals other than children under age 14 wearing costumes without a previous agreement with the Saint Louis Zoo shall be prohibited from entering the Zoo.

Halloween events: Adults and teens wearing costumes and being accompanied by a child or children under the age of 14 are permitted on Zoo grounds to participate in appropriate Zoo-sponsored events during which costumes traditionally are worn (e.g., Halloween theme parties), with the exception that the face of any person in costume age 14 or older must be entirely visible and cannot be concealed in any manner by a costume mask or paint of any kind.