Love animals? Passionate about wildlife and
conservation? Want to help others appreciate the natural world? Consider joining Zoo ALIVE to volunteer with like-minded teens, connect with nature and be a part of the Zoo community.
Zoo ALIVE (Active Leaders in Volunteer Education) is the Saint Louis Zoo’s year-round volunteer educator program for high school age students. Zoo ALIVE mission to be is an inclusive community where teens from diverse backgrounds strengthen their connection to the natural world, build leadership skills, and knowledge to co-create a culture that empowers them to make a difference in the world by addressing conservation issues through education, action projects, and Zoo initiatives.
How Do I Apply?
Applicants must be 15 years by May 1st of the application year.
The Zoo ALIVE application materials must be received no later than February 15th.
There are a limited number of positions, so not all applicants can be accepted into the program. We hope that you will find the application and interview process valuable, even if you are not accepted. Final selections will be made, and applicants will be notified in mid-April.
For more information, please e-mail zooalive@stlzoo.org.
Application Steps
The Application period will open January 1st. The deadline application is February 15th and includes several steps:
Step 1: Fill out the Zoo ALIVE Application
Step 2: Recommendation Form
We need to receive one recommendation form completed by a teacher or youth leader who knows you well, before the first Sunday in March – either via email or mail to the address below.
Step 3: Interview Process
Interview Day takes place on the first Sunday of March. There will be a 3-hour AM or PM session, which includes a group interview, picture, tours and activities. You need to participate in one of the interview sessions to be considered for the program. Interviews will only be scheduled for completed applications.
After the interview day, if you are accepted, you will be directed to a website to complete a background check and complete an online Zoo volunteer training.
Group Interview Info
Group interviews will be held at the Zoo on the first Sunday of March. Group interviews will be held in 2 sessions, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. All applicants are required to attend one group interview session. The only exception is illness/quarantine.
Application materials may be sent via email or by mail to:
Saint Louis Zoo Education Department
1 Government Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63110
What We Do
Details and FAQ
Help Education Department staff members deliver programs for children of all ages, including camps, classes and overnights.

Assist with a variety of Zoo conservation efforts, including the endangered American Burying Beetle and Partula snails, #byetobags conservation action campaign, and citizen science.

Enjoy day and weekend trips to explore and connect with nature and wildlife. Optional international travel opportunities as well.

Meet Zoo staff, learn all about the Zoo and its amazing animals, and explore a variety of conservation related careers.

- Teens who will be at least 15 years old by May 1st of the application year
- We are seeking mature, responsible teens who want to develop their leadership skills.
- Applicants should enjoy working with children and should be interested in animals and conservation.
- No experience is necessary, but you must be willing to try new things, work together with members of our diverse group, and be an excellent representative of our world-class organization.
- Zoo ALIVE volunteers are required to lead discussions and demonstrate activities to groups of children and adults, so good communication skills are a must.
- Enthusiasm, curiosity, and a positive attitude are required!
We expect a lot from the young adults in this program. It can be a life-changing experience for the teens who rise to the challenge. If you are wondering if your teen is ready for this program, please click here to see our expectations.
Zoo ALIVE is a year-long commitment.
All Zoo ALIVE volunteers are required to attend a monthly meeting, typically held the first Sunday of each month from 5 – 7:30 p.m. At the meeting, volunteers receive training for upcoming volunteer opportunities, leadership skills and learn about current events and happenings at the Zoo or with the environment. There is also time to socialize and get to know other volunteers.
Besides the meeting, volunteers are required to volunteer for at least two Zoo activities per month New Zoo ALIVE volunteers are also required to attend a Volunteer Orientation, Camp Training and volunteer for two weeks at the Zoo's summer day camp.
All Zoo volunteers, including Zoo ALIVE teens, must pass a background check. Volunteers must agree to follow all of the Zoo's volunteer policies and procedures, including dress code, code of conduct and all COVID-19 safety policies. We communicate using Teams and email, so Zoo ALIVE teens must have an email account that they can check regularly. Most volunteer opportunities take place at the Zoo, so you must have reliable transportation or be willing and able to take public transportation to the Zoo.