Conservation and Advocacy

As a world-renowned conservation organization, it’s our job to provide a voice for those who may not be able to speak for themselves. We advocate for animals and the habitats they need to thrive by actively engaging with guests, communities, elected officials and government agencies. We inspire people to care for the natural world and protect wildlife through a variety of actions.
Here are ways we advocate for conservation:
Our educational programs and services have helped connect people to animals and inspire passion for conservation for over 50 years. Programs are available for people of all ages, abilities and interests.
The Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine takes a holistic approach to wildlife conservation, public health and sustainable ecosystems to ensure healthy animals and healthy people.
Help Our Conservation Efforts
If you’d like to contribute financially to help our conservation efforts, you can make a donation to the Saint Louis Zoo. Call our Development Department at (314) 646-4691.