White-headed Buffalo Weaver
Dinemellia dinemellia
Did you know?
- Weavers are among the bird world's best architects. A large grassy nest usually contains several rooms, which the bird enters from below.
- Weavers live in pairs or small flocks, and a large number of their nests can be seen in one tree.
- Other birds like African pygmy falcons often use weaver nests instead of building their own.
- During courtship, males and females vocalize to each other and extend their wings.
Balanced Diet
This bird is an omnivore, feeding on a variety of ground insects, fruit and seeds.
Home Defense
Roosting and nesting in acacia trees, this stout bird lines its nest and branches leading to the nest with thorny twigs as a defense against intruders.
Threat Level
- Unknown
- Common
- Near Threatened
- Threatened
- Endangered
- Critically Endangered
- Extinct in the Wild
The White-headed Buffalo Weaver is widespread and abundant.
Eastern Africa
Dry thorn savannas

We care about white-headed buffalo weavers
The Saint Louis Zoo supports white-headed buffalo weavers at the Bird House and Bird Garden.

Find this animal in Historic Hill

Historic Hill
Historic Hill is a lovely stroll through one of the oldest parts of the Saint Louis Zoo. From the 1904 World’s Fair Flight Cage to the Spanish architectural flavor of the 1920s in the Bird House, Primate House and Herpetarium to the finishing touches of our thoroughly modern exhibits, this area of the Zoo has a unique ambiance and a nostalgic history that make it a great destination.