Vendor Opportunities

Vendor Information
Vendor Registration
Preregister as a vendor and receive correspondence on opportunities.
Supplier Diversity
The Zoo supports the development and growth of diverse businesses.
Procurement Process
Best practices to participate in the Zoo's procurement processes:
- Complete the Saint Louis Zoo's vendor registration.
- Participate actively in the Zoo's supplier diversity and vendor outreach events.
- Respond promptly and completely to requests for information or requests for proposals.
- If applicable, maintain any diverse certifications with a certifying agency.
Procurement Categories
The below categories represent examples of procurement opportunities:
- Advertising
- Animal food and care materials
- Architecture services
- Artist services
- Beverage/Food
- Professional services
- Construction services
- Engineering services
- Facility maintenance products and services
- Fleet vehicles and services
- Human Resources services
- Land surveying
- Legal services
- Maintenance, repair and operation (MRO) materials
- Marketing
- Printing
- Technology (materials and service)