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Classroom Programs

These programs take place at the Zoo.

Class Size

Small Classroom programs: no more than 25 students and two adult chaperones  (one chaperone must be the teacher) in the classroom space; other chaperones are welcome to wait just outside the classroom until the program ends.

Large group program*: no more than 100 people (students, teachers, chaperones, siblings, etc.) total
*select titles only

Education classes take place in our classrooms, including The Living World and Exploration Outpost and on Zoo grounds. Classes may include biofacts, activities, demonstrations, and/or discussions. Most classes are offered in 45-minute formats, Monday through Friday, Labor Day through Memorial Day.

Classroom Programs

For learners K-12th grade

Get excited about engineering and all the creative ways to build animal habitats! Students will consider the four needs all animals have (food, water, shelter and space) and the specific needs of individual animals. This program includes biofacts and a chance for students to build unique miniature habitats (students will not take habitats home, but teachers are welcome to take pictures to share with students and their families). This title is not available for large group bookings.

Length: 45 minutes

MO Standards: K.LS1.C1, KESS3.A.1  

NGSS: K-LS1-C, 1-LS1.A, 2-LS4.D  

A vet’s job is very important in caring for animals at our Zoo, but they can’t do it alone! It takes a whole team, from vets to keepers, vet technicians to nutrition keepers. Learn about the ways that our animal care team makes sure our animals are happy and healthy. This title is not available for large group bookings.

Length: 45 minutes

MO Standards: K.LS1.C.1, 1.LS3.A.1, K-2, ETS1.A.1

NGSS: 1-LS1-1.A, 1-LS1-1.B, K-2-ETS1-1.A

At the Saint Louis Zoo you can see animals in different stages of life! Join us as we examine the life cycles of different species as they grow and transform into adults. This title is not available for large group bookings.

MO Standards: K.ESS3.A.1, K.ESS2.E.1, 1.LS3.A.1, 1.LS1.A.1, K.ETS1.B.1, 1.ETS1.B.1, 2.ETS1.B.1, K.1B.a., 1.1B.f., K.1A-1C.c., 1.1A-1C.c., 2.1A-1C.c.

NGSS: K-LS1-1., SL.K.5, 1-ESS1-1, 1-ESS1-1, 1-ESS1-2, W.1.7., 2-LS4-1, W.2.8

(program adjusted to appropriate grade level)

What makes a penguin different from a sea lion, or a snake different from a bee? As scientists, students will work in groups to create their own classification methods and learn how and why scientists sort animals based on their characteristics.

Length:45 minutes

NGSS: 2-LS4-1

(program adjusted to appropriate grade level)

Through student-led observations in the classroom, participants will learn how animals are connected, to people and each other, as they use their physical and behavioral adaptations to survive in their habitat.

Length: 45 minutes

MO Standards: 3.LS1.A.1, 4.LS1.A.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 3.LS3.D.1

NGSS: 3-LS4-2, 3-LS4-3, 4-LS1-1, MS-LS1, MS-LS2-1

Surf the web of life from sunlight to decomposition. Discover who eats what (or whom) as you investigate how energy moves through a food web and explore how animal dentition impacts what they eat. Learn about the Zoo’s Orthwein Animal Nutrition Center and how the Zoo nutrition team meets animal dietary needs. This title is not available for large group bookings.

Length: 45 minutes

MO Standards: 2.LS2.A.2, 2.ETS1.A.1,

NGSS: K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, 2-LS4-1

This hands-on dissection class will introduce students to appropriate scientific tool use to explore what owls eat by dissecting an owl pellet. A Zoo educator will lead the class on techniques to successfully find potential bones, fur and feathers in the pellet, as well as answer owl-specific questions. Students will work in small groups during this class. This title is not available for large group bookings.

Length: 45 minutes

MO Standards: 5.PS1.B.1, 5.PS3.D.1, 5.LS2.B.1, 3.LS3.C.1, 3-5.ETS1.B.1

NGSS: 4-LS1-1, 5-PS3-1, 5-LS2-1

Why did the chicken cross the road? We still don't know, but at the Zoo we might ask, why did the bear climb the tree? In this program students will learn why animal behavior is an important area of study for zoos. Students will spend time outdoors observing the Zoo animals and will learn how behavior observations are used to make decisions about animal care.

MO Standards: 5.LS1.A.1, 6-8.LS1.B.1

NGSS: RI.5.9, (5-LS2-1), (MS-LS2-2), RST.6-8.1, RST.6-8.8, WHST.6-8.9, MS-LS1-4.

(program adjusted to appropriate grade level)

How important are apex predators or tiny pollinators? In this program, students will reflect, discuss and learn about how the variety of life on Earth is important to animals, habitats and humans, while engaging in biofact exploration. Discover how the Zoo is helping out in biodiversity hotspots around the world and ways everyone can make a difference. This title is not available for large group bookings.

Length: 45 minutes

MO Standards: 6-8.LS1.B.1, 6-8.LS2.A.1, 6-8.LS2.A.2, 6-8.LS2.C.1, 6-8.ESS3.C.1,

NGSS: MS-LS2-1, MS-LS2-4, MS-ESS3-4, MS-LS1-4

The Zoo is like a small city, with a variety of careers. In addition to well-known careers, like keeper and veterinarians, the Zoo has its own security team, a finance team, a facilities management department and even a horticulture team. The Zoo has a home for everyone! Learn more about working at the Zoo and what steps you can take now to potentially work at the Zoo in the future.

Additional Class Programs

Read the brochure to learn about classes tailored to learners who are six months to five years old.

Early Childhood Class Programs

Important Details

Groups within the Zoo-Museum District of St. Louis City and County receive discounted pricing on some programs. Please note: all programs require full payment to be received before the program date.

  • 45-minute program fee: $140 ($110 ZMD) for small groups (maximum 25 students, 2 chaperones)
  • 45-minute program fee: $600 ($475 ZMD) for large groups (maximum 175 people; students, teachers, chaperones, siblings, etc.) - only available for select titles.
  • 45-minute tour fee: $40 ($30 ZMD) for docent-led tours (maximum 9 students, 2 chaperone per group)

You will need to book as many programs as needed, in order to adhere to our group size safety guidelines.

Advance reservations and pre-payment of any fees are required for all programs. To schedule a classroom program or educational tour, please call (314) 646-4544, #6 (see scheduling information lower on this page).

A minimum of two months' notice is required for all programs if you want to pay by check. Programs scheduled between one to two months in advance, require full credit card payment at the time of scheduling. We are unable to schedule programs less than one month's notice.

Have the following information available when scheduling programs:

  • School name, address, phone number
  • Teacher or other adult in charge of the group
  • Grade level and number of students
  • Age appropriate program choice(s) and alternative choices
  • Preferred date and time, as well as alternative date and times
  • Know your travel plans, including what time you can arrive and what time you will need to leave the Zoo
  • Credit card information if paying by credit card
  • If booking multiple programs, we will need each teacher’s name and e-mail address

Please note: Groups may register for only one classroom program and/or one guided tour per day.

Please see the Education Department COVID-19 Communications at

Scheduling a Program
Advance reservations and payment of any fees are required for all programs. (See below: section B "To Schedule," numbers 3, 4 and 5.) Please plan your schedule carefully, since it may be difficult to reschedule if your plans change. Zoo education programs are quite popular and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

A. Before Scheduling

- Review the programs appropriate for your grade level.
- Please note: Groups may register for only one classroom program and/or one guided tour per day.
- Check your school calendar. When is your spring break? Do you have special testing days?
- Consider your travel plans. What time can you arrive at the Zoo? What time will you need to return to school? Groups arriving late will forfeit part or all of their program without a refund.
- A minimum of one adult chaperone per nine students is recommended for your Zoo visit. This is required for all educational tours.
- A maximum of two adult chaperones (one of whom must be the student's primary teacher) will be permitted in the classroom (s) with any given group, unless you reported that a student will be bringing an aide or paraprofessional with them. All other adults will need to wait elsewhere. If you have questions, please contact the registrars at (314) 646-4544, option #6.
- Adult group supervisors must remain with the students for your entire visit, except for the classroom program as outline above. Please do not make student discipline our job.
-The minimum age for preschool programs is 3 years of age.

B. Scheduling
1. Education Department Phone Numbers: Call (314) 646-4544, #6, to schedule classes and educational tours, Monday - Friday, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Outreach and virtual programs may be requested using an online inquiry form available on the pages listed below.

2. Click here for information on scheduling outreach programs or virtual programs. Please call (314) 646-4677 for questions regarding these programs.

3. Scheduling Dates
Programs for Fall/Winter (Labor Day - December): Scheduling on or after the first Monday in May.
Programs for Winter/Spring (January - Memorial Day): Schedule after Labor Day.

4. Amount of Notice Required
A minimum of two months' notice is required for all programs if you want to pay by check.
Programs scheduled between one to two months in advance, require full credit card payment at
the time of scheduling. We are unable to schedule programs less than one month's notice.

C: COVID-19 Contract

Prior to receiving your program confirmation, an authorized school representative will be
required to sign a Covid-19 safety contract acknowledging that you and your group will adhere
to the Zoo's regulations regarding in-person programs.

D. Payment
For groups scheduling at least two months in advance, an invoice will be sent promptly. Full payment is due one month from the invoice date. If your payment is not received within one month, your program may be canceled. For groups scheduling with less than two months' notice, (with a minimum of one months' notice), full credit card payment is required at the time of scheduling. Your reservation is not confirmed until complete payment is received. We are unable to schedule programs with less than one months' notice.

After Payment
After your payment is processed, we will email confirmation materials to you. It will include the date, time and program reserved for your group. Please double-check all information when you receive your confirmation.
Bring the confirmation paperwork with you on the date of your program. Forward, if necessary, to other teachers and chaperones. Please ensure that you are abiding by all Zoo, Education, and COVID Safety guidelines.
Bus transportation guidelines will be emailed with your program confirmation. Please note that there is no bus parking on Zoo parking lots!

For groups scheduling at least two months in advance, an invoice will be sent promptly. Full payment is due one month from invoice date. If your payment is not received within one month, your program will be canceled. For groups scheduling with less than two months’ notice, with a minimum of one months’ notice, full credit card payment is required at the time of scheduling. Your reservation is not confirmed until complete payment is received. We are unable to schedule programs with less than one month’s notice.

Please note, the Zoo is a rain or shine location! If rain is in the forecast, we suggest bringing ponchos and/or umbrellas. In the case of severe weather, the Zoo does have Severe Weather Shelter Areas.

Please notify the Education Department at (314) 646-4544 immediately if you need to cancel. Another group may be able to take your place.


One Month Prior to Program:

A full refund will be issued minus a $5 cancellation fee if you notify the Education Department at least one month prior to your program. There is a $5 cancellation fee per program.

Between ten business days and one month Prior to Program:

You are entitled to a 50% program fee refund if you notify the Education Department between 10 business days and one month prior to your program date.

Less than ten business days Prior to Program:

There is no refund for groups that cancel with less than two weeks' notice.

Please note: In the event that your school and/or the Zoo is closed the day of your program due to weather, we will try to reschedule your program or issue a full refund.

If you have ordered Group Tickets, please contact the Group Ticket desk separately from the Education Department, at (314) 646-4718 with any cancellations or questions regarding your group. Please note that Group Tickets does not provide refunds on any pre-paid tickets.

Program transfers must be requested a minimum of one month in advance and may be approved based on our ability to reschedule you. Transfers are determined by resource (space, instructor, etc.) availability. A $5 transfer fee will be charged per program for the first transfer date. A $10 transfer fee will be charged for additional transfers. Transfer fees must be paid with credit card at the time requested. We cannot accommodate same day or next day transfers.

Gateway to Innovation Conference Grant

Via the generosity of Gateway to Innovation Conference, grant funding is available through December of 2024 for under-resourced students. Please click this link to apply. The online grant application will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

You will be required to upload a letter, on school letterhead, explaining why your students are under-resourced (please provide statistics and examples, as appropriate) and how they will benefit from receiving a Saint Louis Zoo educational program. Please have that letter in a PDF or Word document prepared, prior to starting the application. Letters must be submitted by the classroom teacher, school representative, or school administrator and be written on school letterhead.

Additionally, you will need to know your preferred type of program (virtual, on Zoo grounds, or outreach), as well as know the program titles you are requesting.

Questions (?) Please contact the Manager of Learning Experiences at

School Programs Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a program (class or tour)?
Advance reservations and pre-payment of any fees are required for all programs. To schedule a classroom program or educational tour, please call (314) 646-4544, #6 (need new link for this page). Program reservations can be made by phone, Monday - Friday, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

How soon do I need to book a program?

  • A minimum of two months' notice is required for all programs if you want to pay by check.
  • Programs scheduled between one to two months in advance, require full credit card payment at the time of scheduling. We are unable to schedule programs less than one month's notice.
  • Please plan your schedule carefully, since it may be difficult to reschedule if your plans change.
  • Check your school calendar. When is your spring break? Do you have special testing days?
  • Please note that Zoo education programs are quite popular and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Programs from Labor Day through December may be booked starting the first Monday in May.
  • Programs from January through Memorial Day may be booked starting after Labor Day.

Is there a fee for programs?
Yes, please see “Pricing” links available.

Is funding assistance available?
Occasionally, the Zoo receives grants from donors to provide financial assistance for specific programs. Financial assistance is not always available, so please contact the Manager of Learning Experiences at If you are interested in making a charitable contribution to support education programs at the Saint Louis Zoo, please call the Development Office at (314) 646-4691.

What if I have booked a program, but I need to change the date or cancel?
Please notify the Education Department at (314) 646-4544, #6, immediately if you need to cancel. Another group may be able to take your place.


One Month Prior to Program:
A refund will be issued minus a $5 cancellation fee if you notify the Education Department at least one month prior to your program. There is a $5 cancellation fee per program.

Between ten business days and one month Prior to Program:
You are entitled to a 50% program fee refund if you notify the Education Department between ten business days and one month prior to your program date.

Less than ten business days Prior to Program:
There is no refund for groups that cancel with less than ten business days' notice.

Please note: In the event that your school and/or the Zoo is closed the day of your program due to weather, we will try to reschedule your program or issue a full refund. That decision will be made the day of your program.

If you have ordered group tickets, please contact the Group Ticket desk separately from the Education Department, at (314) 646-4718 with any cancellations or questions regarding your group. Please note that Group Tickets does not provide refunds on any pre-paid tickets.

Program transfers must be requested a minimum of one month in advance and will be subject to availability. Transfers are determined by resource (space, instructor, etc.) availability. A $5 transfer fee will be charged per program for the first transfer date. A $10 transfer fee will be charged for additional transfers. Transfer fees must be paid with credit card at the time requested. We cannot accommodate same day or next day transfers.

What if it is raining on the day of my visit?

The Zoo is a rain or shine location! If rain is in the forecast, we suggest bringing ponchos and/or umbrellas. In the case of severe weather, the Zoo does have Severe Weather Shelter Areas.

What animals will we see in our classroom programs?

The Zoo is reimagining its Education programs! We look forward to welcoming you back, but want to let you know there will be some changes. We will share inspiring stories of our conservation work focused on species found all over the Zoo, and will no longer have live small animal contact in our programs. We're excited to see you soon!

Can I request a specific instructor for my program?
Due to the variety of programs offered, we are unable to accommodate special instructor requests

What does the program include?
Classroom programs could include animal artifacts/biofacts, hands-on activities, live virtual viewing of Zoo animals and engaging lessons from trained, professional educators. *No live animals will be presented in the classrooms. All tours are conducted by Docents (trained education volunteers) and require about 45 minutes. In case of severe weather or special animal management situations, tours may visit alternate areas of the Zoo appropriate to the topic chosen. Information regarding where to meet for the tours will be included in your confirmation email. Please note that these tours are not behind-the-scenes tours.

How many chaperones do I need?
Zoo policy requires children under age 14 to be accompanied by an adult or have an adult chaperone present at the Zoo (field trips, etc.)A minimum of one adult chaperone per nine students is strongly recommended for your Zoo visit. This is required for all educational tours. Adult group supervisors must remain with the students; please do not make student discipline our job.

A maximum of two adult chaperones (one of whom must be the student's primary teacher) will be permitted in the classroom (s) with any given group, unless you reported that a student will be bringing an aide or paraprofessional with them. All other adults will need to wait elsewhere. If you have questions, please contact the registrars at (314) 646-4544, option #6.

Do I need to register my group for my visit to the Zoo, even if we are not booking a program or tour?
Regardless of if you're booking. a program or tour, in order to best serve you and your group, please complete the group registration form. The information you submit helps the Zoo staff prepare for your visit and enables us to contact you in an emergency. Upon form submission, you will receive a confirmation email with detailed information about bus parking, group picnic areas and other exciting opportunities.

Transportation Assistance

The Saint Louis Zoo’s Education Department provides a limited amount of transportation assistance to qualifying schools, based upon need and availability of funds. Request for transportation assistance is only available for K-12 schools who are participating in Zoo Education Department programs or tours.
Please click here for Eligibility and Terms.

If you'd like to apply for transportation assistance, please click here to apply. This process will take approximately 10 minutes. Have your federal tax ID, state tax ID, and Zoo confirmation(s) available, as part of the application. Please note: if transportation assistance funds are not available, the application link will not allow you to continue.